Standard Yearly Membership $25

Our online membership system is automated and secure. Please enter your personal information into the form below. We use SQUARE's Secure Online Payment Gateway to process your payment - we do not store or receive any of your payment information through this website - only a return confirmation that payment was successful.  If you do not wish to pay online, you will have to manually complete a paper membership form and pay your fees by cash at the next available monthly general Newcomers meeting - see calendar for dates. 

IMPORTANT!!!!  When you enter your credit card number, the system will check to see if your card has been issued from a Canadian or US Bank - you will then be prompted to enter either a postal code or zip for security checking.  This must match the postal or zip on record at your bank for your credit card. If it is a US issued card you MUST use a zip.  Pre-paid one time Visa and MasterCard cards purchased from the gas station or drug store DO NOT WORK, because they do not have an address associated with them.

You will be choosing your own username (we suggest you use your email address) and password to create an account here on this website.  You will use this account to manage your membership information, membership renewal payment each September 1, the Interest Groups you want to be involved in, and other member services we roll out down the road.  Please choose strong passwords with letters, numbers and symbols if possible, and DO NOT share this information with anyone else.

Be sure to select the Interest Groups you wish to receive meeting and event invitations from - this is the only way you will receive invites or updates.  You can change these selections any time you wish, and you can choose as many as you like.


Please select the Interest Groups you would like to be involved in, and receive information from through our Group Email system. The Group EMail system is the only way to receive invites and updates.

Payment Information

Pay Online Now - Secure
Credit or debit card*

Membership Terms

By completing a membership form and payment to become a member of the Wolfville and Area Newcomers Club, you agree in principal to be bound by the following rules:

In becoming a member of this Club, I assume any risk, and take full responsibility and waive any claims of personal injury, death or damage to personal property associated with the activities and events organized by the Wolfville and Area Newcomers’ Club.

Personal Information
The Federal Personal Information and Protection and Electronic Document Act (PIPEDA) came into effect in January 2004. The personal information collected by the Club is used only for Club purposes; such as distribution of newsletters and directory of members, announcements of events, E-vites to meetings and/or events, and general club communication. The Club does not sell, disseminate or otherwise provide your personal information to other entities.  You will always be in control of which information resources you are subscribed to and what contact information the club uses to contact you.

Personal Use of Information
You agree that you will not use Members’ information or the Club information provided to you for any purpose other than to achieve the goals of the Club. Members and Club information is not to be used for commercial gain, any form of advertising or marketing, or distribution to third parties. It is the duty of all members to report such irregularities to the Executive immediately and any misuse of Club or members’ information may lead to expulsion.

Club use of Photographic Images
With today’s technology, it is almost certain that photos will be taken at Club events. You agree that the onus is on you to leave a photo opportunity if you do not want your photo taken or published on the Club’s website, Club’s social network (e.g. Facebook) or any means used by the Club to promote the club and its activities. The Club agrees, where possible, to remove your photo, or request that your photo be removed, should you have been unaware that photos were taken at an event.

Members’ Use of Photographic Images
You understand that the social media has become pervasive. You agree that when you have taken photos at Club events for personal use and/or personal social networks, that you will honour a member’s request to remove their photos from my social network and/or the public view. You will treat members with respect, just as you expect to be treated with respect. You agree that no one person wants to be portrayed in an unflattering or disrespectful manner.

Membership Revocation
The Club Executive reserves the right to revoke a membership at any time, without compensation.

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