Explore our exciting interest groups
You can join and manage your groups from our Membership page.
Food & Cooking
Potluck Dining
If an informal dinner group with an element of surprise is your style, Potluck is the answer. This group meets monthly in members’ homes for an evening of socializing over great food. Guests bring a favourite dish and wine or beverage of their choice.
International Dining
Do you like food from other countries? This is the group for you! It meets monthly in members’ homes on weekends. A country-specific theme is chosen by the host (eg. Greek, Mexican, etc.) who also coordinates everyone’s contributions. Members bring their dish and wine or beverage of choice.
Vegan Potluck
This Group meets monthly in members’ homes for a delicious Vegan pot luck dinner and evening of socializing. Guests bring a Vegan dish and their choice of beverage.
Food and Fun
The Food and Fun Group combines a fun activity with an opportunity to share food together. The Group meets at irregular intervals as the opportunity presents itself.
Outdoor Activities
Hiking, Biking, Snowshoeing
This group meets on Wednesday mornings throughout the year for 1-2 hours of varied exercise and ends at a local café for refreshment and socializing. Depending on the season and weather, this activity may be hiking, biking or snowshoeing.
Adventurous Hiking
This group is a great fit for members who would like to explore our beautiful Valley. Our hikes are usually 2 hours in length and cover all sorts of terrain from flat to hilly and from farm roads to trails. In the winter, we wear grippers or snowshoes when required.
This group is for everybody with an interest in gardening - whether it be growing food or flowers, discussing gardening goals or methods, or networking about local gardening information. Depending on people's interests, monthly meetings may include casual social gatherings, information exchanges on specific topics, and/or garden tours. All varieties of interest, experience and expertise are welcome - from container gardening on your balcony to maintaining, restoring or renovating your new property's gardens.
Intermediate Cycling
This intermediate cycling group meets weekly on Mondays (with Tuesday as a fallback) when weather permits. The rides will typically be between 30 and 45 km (shorter in the early season) and will involve both trails and roads, but we will stay off busy roads whenever possible. We will typically incorporate a coffee shop stop into the ride so bring a mug!
Book Club
The Book Discussion Group meets once a month from September to May on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Members take turns hosting the discussions at their homes.
Film Club
This group usually meets monthly to watch a movie, either live or streamed, and discuss it afterwards. Whenever possible the discussion will be accompanied by refreshments.
The group meets twice a month to play contract bridge in members’ homes. They play in an informal and relaxed setting with a focus on learning and socializing. New players are welcome.
Many people have a needlework hobby whether knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, rug hooking and quilting. This group meets every two weeks in members’ homes for an afternoon of socializing and refreshments to work on their projects.
Creative Adventures
There are numerous businesses, groups and individuals in the area that offer instructional workshops, crafting demonstrations or just the opportunity to work independently on creative projects in a social setting. This group provides Newcomers an opportunity to attend these events with other members who have similar interests or want to try out something new. Meetings are ad hoc, based on when workshops are offered, with at least one event per month. Carpooling is an option. Members are responsible for paying associated fees which would vary from event to event.
The goal of this group is to provide opportunities for members to both learn more about photography as well as sessions to actually take photographs in a variety of settings and of a variety of subjects.
Conversational French
Would you like to brush up on your conversational French? Join us for lighthearted conversation over coffee or attend a local French language or cultural activity where you can use and improve your French. This group will meet once or twice a month at members’ homes or at local venues. We are all at different places in our French journey, so there will be no judgement on the level of your French abilities. The goal of this group is to improve your current French skills.